Criminal Defense - An Overview

Man in Handcuffs Photograph

Have you, or has a loved one, been accused of a crime?

If you are being investigated or you’ve been charged with a crime in Pennsylvania, you are almost certainly experiencing the same range of emotion that anyone else would feel when dealing with a similar situation. Fear, anxiety, anger, frustration and confusion are just a few of these common instincts, but it’s your reaction to them that matters.

Regardless of how you’re feeling, the last thing you should do is freeze and wait for the process to develop, as it will likely make matters worse. Instead, you need to overcome your emotions and take immediate and proactive steps to begin the process of building a strong defense. That process starts by contacting the Palkovitz Law Office Traffic Law Center to schedule an initial consultation. The dedicated criminal defense department at our firm has handled countless criminal cases of all types, and the firm simply understands based on experience and track record how to make sure that you put your best case together to protect your rights and to fight the charges you face.

When the American legal system was in its early stages of development, certain norms and ideals were adopted that still exist today. These norms basically centered on the way in which someone who was accused of a crime would be treated by those whose job it was to pursue a conviction. Generally speaking, the system is set up in many ways to protect the rights of the defendant, but in many situations the onus is on that defendant to assert them.